Monday, August 2, 2010

Day One.. how am I doing?

So I have been thinking about starting this blog for a while but have felt completely clueless where to go with it.  I guess the first place to start is with my title, My Wonder Years.  If you remember the show The Wonder Years (starring my first crush Fred Savage as Kevin), then you'll remember that throughout each episode there would be an older voice narrating the story.  Well this online journaling is going to be just like that narrator.  But instead of the audience hearing it, they can read it.  Actually, I think Sex and the City stole a little bit of this premise for a show, except Carrie Bradshaw would put her inner monolugue into her column.  I promise I will not end each entry with, "But I can't help but wonder....."

But really, who will be reading this?  I literally could not sleep right away last night because I started wondering- oops, there's that word- would this be more for my own sanity, for the people of my past, or the people I don't know and probably won't know?  Obviously, I'm a bit lost right now, but I'm gonna type it out and hopefully get somewhere. 

As far as content, I haven't been able to pick a direction.  There are a lot of hats I wear: I'm married, I'm a mommy, I'm a step-mommy, I work full time, and I am a super-hero.  Ok, so the last one is a bit of a stretch, but there will be a post about that title some day and it will make sense to you. But in addition to these titles, there are things I struggle with like spirituality, regret, stress, and peace of mind.  Don't get me wrong- I'm not typing this from the ledge or anything.  But sometimes I wish I could afford a really great therapist and let it all out.  Mabye I should have titled this blog "Black Leather Couch" because I'm sure this will serve as therapy at some point.

Unfortunately for the reader (if there is one) I'm not clever like the girl in Julie and Julia who came up with a brilliant blog plan.  No, there will be no movie made of this journal.  But I would like there to be some experiment here.... I've thought about putting ridiculous topics into a hat and picking one each week. I've thought about gearing this only towards being mom/step-mom.  I've thought about making this my vent-board so that I only complain here and not out loud anymore (yeah, like that could happen). And I've also thought about.... well the list could go on and on.  Clearly there is no focus yet, but I'll figure out it soon enough I'm sure.

So, congratulations to me; I did it.  I blogged.  But I couldn't help but wonder... haha, just kidding.